Another world’s first – accurate billing for hot and cold water

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BaseN, an international platform provider dedicated to Big Data infrastructure monitoring and management, enables the billing process for accurate water consumption. The BaseN Platform automatically creates billing data separately for hot and cold water, based on the collected and analyzed real-time water usage. This is a first-in-the-world solution, implementable also for heating energy, easily scaling to millions of households.

This water billing process was first implemented in Adjutantti, a forerunner low-energy A-class residential building near Helsinki. BaseN provides a complete monitoring and control system for apartment-specific water, heating and electricity consumption. Additionally, the building’s solar energy production and energy-generating elevator is managed. The housing company utilizes BaseN data for direct and accurate billing of hot and cold water usage per tenant.

Apart from the reports that are provided to the housing company, each household can track their water consumption in real-time in their dedicated online portals. This makes water billing fair and transparent, promoting trust and democracy.

This new process can be easily implemented on a global scale, making accurate billing a new standard. Since the billing for water is done only once per year in various countries, the actual bill never represents a precise charge for the water consumption, but rather an approximation.

The portal also shows water consumption goals and forecasts for the coming/remaining month. Another advantage of exact water consumption monitoring is the easy detection and localization of water leaks. The BaseN system revealed so far three leaking toilets in the Adjutantti building – two of them during the last stages of construction of the building and one in an inhabited apartment.

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