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Documentation Improvements, bugfixies and optimization
Optimization and utility improvements: plugins, configuration manager features compatibility with oxidized, dynamic filters (filter2), API, alert parent-child dependence system, scriptables
New features, improvements and bug fixies: documentation, KML import, IP/hostname automation handling, new scripting command, security advisory implementation
New features, improvements, optimization and fixes – AAA TACACS+ support, Scriptable tools for Configuration Manager, AutoDicovery for multiple new Cisco MIBs (AIRSPACE-WIRELESS, POWER-ETHERNET, and more), PAD nslookup support, Resiliency check for all scenario platform sites, Multiple improvements on API, PageGeneratorSources (autoconfiguration), Worker and Alert DB.
Optimization and fixes – Issue processing: parent/child and performance optimization
New features, fixes, and optimization –Ā metrics: multiple new functionality and optimization; worker, logcopier, api, alerts, xmq, webpublish, routes:Ā optimization and multiple improvement
New features, optimizations, and fixes – api: alerts, metrics, fliltering; Issue Manager: fine-optimized silencing ; rowengine: extra filter functionality to log processing authentication: extended scripts able to send emails; logical rootcause: configuration method harmonisation
New features, optimization, and fixes – api: alerts, log row filter, papi field; IssueManager: timer extension; templates: availability metrics; PageGenrator source count
New features, optimizations, and fixes –Ā api: maintenance window, issues, logbook, alerts; Report Manager; uA (microagent);autodiscovery (Cisco and Brocade fibre channels).
Optimisation and fixes – Scripting, API and page generation
Improvements, optimisation, fixes and new features – scripting, api, discovery: several new hardware platforms with optical services, MIB, maintenance window logic, trend alert defaults optimisation
Functionality improvements, cpu usage optimisation, fixes and new features – Scripting, API – get extension to more channels, Alerting
Functionality improvements, fixes and new features Ā – Issue Manager:Ā evolution; scripting: external authentication evolution & optimization; discovery: CISCO-ENTITY-DIAG-MIB support; agents: evolution & optimization; Maintenance Window: api evolution & optimization; Ā Map: api evolution
Functionality improvements, fixes and new features Ā –Ā optimization; discovery: NTPv4-MIB support
Functionality improvements, fixes and new features Ā – discovery: multiple evolution & optimization – CheckPoint firewall template improvement, CISCO-PAGP-MIB collect link aggregation info per port Fortinet FortiSwitch support,Ā Huawei optical port improvement, TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB hardware table; api:Ā multiple evolution & optimization; basentools: evolution; logger:Ā towards extra layer redundancy evolution & optimization.
Functionality improvements, fixes and new features –Ā Scripting, API, Documentation, Discovery (Aruba wireless), Alerting, Plugins
Functionality improvements, fixes and new features –Ā Scripting, API: IP Geolocation/ANS lookup, Machine Learning, Alerting, Templates
Functionality improvements, fixes and new featuresĀ
Scripting:Ā batch update methods for entities.
Maintenance windows: Ā recurring time range handling more intuitive.
API: unifying handling of some entity properties.Ā
Templates:Ā Ā small discovery templates enhancements. Ā
Agents: rewritten icmp/ping snitch and made smarter.
Plugins: Cart Plot Summary to store path.Ā
Several functionality improvements, fixes and new features āĀ
Maintenance Window: setup for recurrence modified to add simplicityĀ Ā
API: new extensionĀ for creating entities.Ā
API: Ā logbook events ā option expansion.
UI: Ā singleĀ creation/modification outside update cycle. Machine learning:Ā metadata storage in logstore/model.
Functionality improvements, fixes and new features āĀ
API:Ā parent/child/all support on entity summaries. Templates:Ā support for automated discovery of Hewlett Packard ICF , Aruba featuresĀ Ā
Map/API: Ā new clustering, routes, and sites UI features.Ā Scripting:Ā Autonomous System (ASN) lookup extension.Ā Agents: optimization on snitches.
Dynamic filters:Ā logarithmic function extension for MathExpressionLink.Ā Internal ecosystem element for object relational mapping (ORM) to higher version
Several functionality improvements, fixes and new features ā templates: Juniper optical port with
multiple laser lanes, TiMetra, and Cisco mil repository update.
Improved documentation: for
developers on binary handling.
Scripting: entity attributes tool added.
Machine learning: given
filter+parameter map based learning and prediction support
Several functionality improvements and new features ā templates, Entity plugin, filters, api, config
generation worker
Improvement and fixies on several new features āĀ access authentication management (Privileged access management ā PAM) and configuration automation (duplicity detection fix)
Multiple Ā new features and improvements ā configuration (api+scriptable), maps api, filters and Issue Search handling
Improvement on multiple features – Issue API, Search UI, and internal automation (cron- page relationship).
Improvement on multiple features – audit trail, issue manager, search, machine learning, discovery: extended support for Palo Alto Networks and Nokia chassis and port. Several API, Plot 2, and uA (microAgent) improvements.Ā
Multiple improvements in: templates – Knx, SNMP, issue management, micro agent, api and scripting
Multiple improvements in: Ā discovery, filters, api, entity database, plugins, documentation, machine learning
Improvements in mapping
Multiple improvements in: templates – Knx, SNMP, issue management, micro agent, api and scripting
Multiple improvements in: Ā alerting, api, and Issue ManagerĀ
Multiple improvements in: api, scripting, and alerting
Multiple improvements in: scripting, machine learning, search, entity db, discovery and alerting
Improvement on multiple features: machine learning, documentation, scripting and general usability (search, metrics, entity storage).
Improvement on multiple features: plugins, api, scripting and templates
Improvement on multiple features: plugins, api, scripting and templates
A new AutoDiscovery version of template for systlog reception
Improvement on multiple features: documetation, api, discovery.
Improvement on multiple features: scripting, templates and microagent.
API interface for easy provisioning of BaseN Software Agent
Support for autodiscovery of Cisco-VTP-MIBs on trunking
Support for vector tiles in the new map environment
Enhanced readability for results in Recent Changes
Planning of high level elements in the backend for dashboards and widgets
Enhanced support for autodiscovery of Hewlett PackardĀ“s Aruba switch series
Metrics is a new concept within Basen Platform to organize measurements systematically. It allows quick and flexible discovery of existing measurements, and introduction of new metrics by the users. Metrics are used by the new dashboard feature
21.7.0 Surlyx/webpublish: CRLF Injection attack vulnerability
An extra level security improvement as a result of large global white-hat-hacking contest to indentify potential possible vulnerabilities for a new access portal solution.
21.7.0 api: optimize fetching of maintenance windows
Optimization of Maintanance Window (entered by platform tool for silencing alerts during maintanace) handling for easier processing in extra large implementations.
21.7.0 api: embed user name and e-mail into JWT issued upon successful authentication
Support of user autentification with e.g. Gravatar through enhanced structre of JSON Web Token.
21.7.0 Pietarsaari missing from geolocator data
One of long used platform Map tools enriched based on customer feedback.
21.6.1 – BN-8171 – Maps: entity API must have an endpoint to fetch routing information
Maps and APIs improved to incude additional support for route information.
21.5.1 – BN-8084 – Discovery: VLANs from Q-BRIDGE-MIB
Support added for VLAN discovery based on Q-BRIDGE-MIB
21.5.1 – BN-8210 – BaseNOpcUaClient: add authentication with certificates
Support added for BaseN Opc Ua Client authentication with certificates. OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) is a machine to machine communication protocol for industrial automation developed by the OPC Foundation.
21.5.1 – BN-8218 – Discovery: support Extreme Networks mibs
Support added for Extreme Networks telco devices discovery
21.5.1 – BN-8222 – Discovery: LLDP improvements
Improved collection of data for BaseN discovery (spanning tree route information, physical port count)
21.5.1 – BN-8239 – Discovery: OSPF, BGP, MPLS info
Discover if various protocols are enabled on the target (OSPF,BGP,MPLS info) and add discovery to include IP routes (IP-FORWARD-MIB).
21.4.0 – BN-7873 – platform password policy
Updated BaseN Platform user password policy to guide and support users and the administrators to set and meet requirements for strong passwords.
21.4.0 -BN-8128 – agent: default to have IPv6Ā enabled
BaseN agents now have by default IPv6 enabled.
21.3.0 – BN-7668 – Computation Unit: Add customer information to resource logging
More detailed customer resource logging added
21.3.0 – BN-771 –Ā Geolocator: update city locations database
Geolocation database updated to support new locations
21.3.0 – BN-8080 – Discovery: Juniper optical improvements
Optimization of the discovery for Juniper optical devices
21.2.0 BN-7991 – Alerts should show information about an open issue on the alert
Active alerts now show whether there is a related open issue.
21.1.0 – BN-7932 -Filter: Calculating averages on polar coordinate system
Detailed calculation implemented on polar plots (averages for geographical wind directions)
21.1.0 – BN-7709 – Add Alert min: max: to Alert mouse-over
Alert readability improved by showing values for min and max using mouse-over.
21.1.0 – BN-7963 – Template: support for Cisco IronPort
BaseN extends support for IronPortEmail Safety Applications (Cisco).
20.12.0 – BN-7891 – User Manager: show 100 users/groups at once
BaseN Platform User Management is highly automated and the amount of users can easily scale to millions. The User Manager can be used for audit or adding and manually managing users on the fly. With BaseN Platform being an integral part of the daily operations of our customers, even small organisations easily have over 10 users. BaseN caters to customers of all sizes, ranging from SMEs to very large organisations with thousands of BaseN Platform users. The recent change in the User Manager quickly loads 100 users/groups per page, improving the ease of use.
20.10.0 – BN-7887 – Entityupdate can end up in error
Immediate actions were taken to fix a reported bug that happened at a very special customer setup. Entities are an important element of customersā systems residing on BaseN Platform. BaseN is close to its customers and fixes issues without delay.
20.10.0 – BN-7439 – HierarchyView: improve sorting
Alphabetic sorting of measurement targets, groups and parameters is a typical way of displaying information in the end user portals. This ticket further improves the at-a-glance overview in the User Interface. Sorting by relevance is already a long-standing feature of BaseN Platform for users to arrange everything based on their personal importance. BaseN Platform is continuously evolving based on well-defined longterm goals to improve customer experience.
20.9.1 – BN-7866 – logcompressor: add retry to worker in case connection fails
BaseN has implemented extremely effective compression capability able to store raw data in a fraction of the orginal size which enables us to use the data lake strategies. In case of a connection failure, it is not desirables that compression is not completed. Automatic retry is now enabled to increase resilience of the platform automation. We continuously review the Platform core features – reliability, scalability, distributed architecture – to further enhance them and improve customer experience.
20.9.0 – BN-7692 – AlertViewer: CSV and XLSX export support
Alongside a long-standing feature of the platformās IssueManager, BaseN also provides AlertViewer for direct reviewing and managing alerts by operators. Added CSV and XLSX export is further improving BaseN Platform’s value and manageability by exporting formats including excel and machine to machine format. This increases the ease-of-use and adds incremental support for automation and integration.
20.9.0 – BN-7361 – LocatableMap: customize google map layer to greyscale
BaseN support of map connectors, for example ESRI, etc. includes also Google Maps as the main provider. In special cases, for better readability of color-coded alert context, a grey scale layer is now added to be an option for maps display within the customer portals. Adjustments are continuously made by BaseN to improve the visibility of all relevant content located on the platform.
20.8.0 – BN-7827 – Template: VMware discovery update
Not only does BaseN continously expand its template library, BaseN also listens actively to the market needs and keeps updating its existing templates to expand the usability of demanded technologies, such as VMware. BaseN’s update strategy is based on agile methodology based on the customer needs, benefitting from the close relationship with BaseN customers.
20.7.0 – BN-7793 – Discovery: improve Fortinet interface discovery
BaseN is the leader in integrating devices. It includes also devices of Fortinet, the world leader of network security. Autodiscovery is one of the substantial advantages of BaseN to easily deploy network configuration and make it continously adaptive to ongoing changes. BaseN continously improves the way how to integrate the autodiscovered devices best which was the case of this optimization concerning the Fortinet portnames and port descriptions used.
20.7.0 – BN-7689 – Discovery snmp v1 support improvements
BaseN supports all versions of SNMP with autodiscovery feature. The detection of version 1 was improved to make sure no user intervention is necessary.
20.7.0 – BN-7633 – Alert user modifications should take effect immediately in clients
BaseN technology allows the alert user modifications to take effect immediately in clients. BaseN continously strives to make processes more efficient for BaseN useres’ daily work.
20.6.1 – BN-7779 – Issue: issues without alerts need special automation handling
BaseN offers the possibility for ensuring automation handling for issues. Improvement for ensuring special automation handling for issues without alerts was done.
20.6.0 – BN-7765 – Quick navigation: display attachments in separate section
Enhanced functionality for displaying attachment in a separate section for clarity purposes.
20.4.0 – BN-7678 – Support for NETAPP-MIB SnapMirror monitoring
Based on input from customers, BaseN expanded the support for new SNMP MIB tables. The enhancement becomes part of the templates library, available for all BaseN users. BaseN follows the customer demand carefully.
20.3.1 – BN-7669 – Improve inventory data accuracy on Huawei devices
Basen offers full support for data inventory for Huawei devices under auto discovery.
20.3.1 – BN-7634 – Knx listener support for receiveragent
Continuing with next verion of KNX, maintaining support for popular ABB solutionns/protocol in smart housing and IoT. BaseN ofers choice of agents to fit collection needs. New capabiity was added to both receiver agent and timed agent.
20.3.1 – BN-7487 – AutoDiscovery: support for Ericsson 6000 series devices
BaseN has for more then years multiple generations of AD (autodiscovery) feature. With ever expanding list of targets of advanced support , based on actual customer needs. Ericson 6000 series telecommunication devices represent increasing reach of BaseN platform to new Eriscson devices and added support for ready-made available BaseN templates.
20.3.0 – BN-7652 – History mode: reset it when user logs in
Automatic entry into real-time mode when logging in to the Platform. The history selector mode (selection of the history intervall display throughout the platform) will be automaticaly switched off when logging out, and user will log in again into real-time mode.
20.3.0 – BN-7643 – MaintenanceWindow: increase granularity to 1 minute intervals
BaseN continuously strive to improve the platform usability and enhance its features. The MaitanceWindow tool can maintain and manualy or automataicaly feed information to supress certain alarming during the times of planned maintanace. With telecomunications evolving to faster and more acurate work with suppliers, some operators asked for a 1 minute precison on the maintanace periods and alarm supressions.Improved granularity for real time situational awareness is a general trend that BaseN supports and leads from its inception.
20.3.0 – BN-7496 – Timetra SAP QoS ingress/egress rate support
Adding eggres/ingress rate QoS support for Nokia/Alcatel/Timetra devices to enhance cusmtomers’ capabilities in the field.
20.3.0 – BN-7486 – AutoDiscovery: Huawei NE and ATN series device templates
Implementation of new autodiscovery templates to Huawei NE and ATN series telecommunication devices represent increasing reach of BaseN platform to new devices and added support for ready-made available BaseN templates.
20.3.0 – BN-6820 – Person: clarify docs on how messagerate and maximumrate interact
BaseN due to its decades long experience in OC (Operating Cenre) environment has vast experience with handing outages and extensive flows of alarms. They can flow though various configured channels being clasical e-maily, SMS messages, SNMP Inform Traps and others. Automatic back-offed should work in all cases to prevent alert flods. Messagerates set the backows steps while Maximumrate checks that “automatic” back-offed messagerate does not go too far. Improvement of the carification in the documentaion of the Person module responsible for turning the events of specific groups into messages was done. Person module has now over 60 parameters to configure. Clear description is important and was enhanced.
20.2.0 – BN-7610 – Support for Aruba Instant wlan ap
Increasing coverage of BaseN Platform to latest Aruba controllers. Implementation of support for Aruba AI-AP-MIB. BaseN customer will benefit from the expanded list of already available hundreds of BaseN templates to support also this popular Hewlett Packard industrial Aruba wireles access point.
20.1.0 – BN-7587 – upgrade to jfreechart 1.5.0
In a maritime environmnet, the need to track and dispay the wind stength alonside its actual direction arises. This is achieved through the upgrade of the chart library software which brings as well the polargraph to BaseN customers and users, ensuring full compatibility with polar coordinates.
20.1.0 – BN-7570 – BaseNOpcUaClient: support opc-ua security policy
opc-ua protocol support was improved.
20.1.0 – BN-7538 – Allow scripts to write data to issuemanager’s links tab
IssueManager is very important and a vital tool of the infrastructure operators to use in OC (Operation Centers). Capabilty to build in links further enhances the usability, simplifies the information processing, shortens the reaction time and increases the level of integration and automation within the customers own environment.
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