Getting Physical – SpimeCopter takes off

::: nBlog :::

While feverishly designing the intrinsics of our Spime Container platform, our R&D team spent a considerable amount of time in selecting the most challenging prototype case requiring virtually all spime aspects to be addressed.

After looking into thermostats, heatpumps, current drives, forest harvesters, automotive control units and many other near-term customer implementations, we ended up building a fully autonomous, semi-industrial drone – the SpimeCopter.

The SpimeCopter is equipped with BaseN-programmed real time flight computers, navigation systems, local container host and a sensor array, including high resolution cameras and potentially Lidar capabilities.

What separates the SpimeCopter from any other drone is that it will have a full Digital Twin running on the BaseN side. The in-flight programming and sensor data is always synchronized with our platform side spime, which in turn has access to a wealth of environmental data such as weather forecasts, previous flight telemetry and Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms running on hundreds of our ground-based processors.

Eventually the SpimeCopter will be addressed and controlled only through the BaseN Spime Container, enabling fully autonomous operations including automatic charging, route adaptations and preventive maintanance of each and every component. In not that distant future, the SpimeCopter can be 3D-printed and operated as soon as a customer has purchased access to its spime.


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