Don’t Cloud Your Mind. Enter Spime.

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Nowadays cloud computing, virtualization, Internet-of-Things, Industrial Internet, 5G and related developments all seem to dance together nicely, bringing advanced big data and IoT solutions to anyone. Most marketing materials promise minimum project times and smart solutions with minimum programming and engineering experience.

The reality is, however, quite different. Sustainable, distributed and scalable solutions – technically and financially – now and in the future will require hard cybernetic knowledge and experience. Far too many times we’ve seen critical issues concerning security or resource efficiency just plainly virtualized and then multiplied, creating major problems.

What comes to IoT, everything will not be semi-local (cars talking cutely to each other over 5G). Nor will everything be running in the Skynet cloud managed by megacorporations.

However, we must steadfastly develop sustainable IoT architectures, enabling both global and local capabilities, and, most importantly – smooth and dynamic transitions between them. This is not doable with today’s virtual x86 machines running e.g millions of futile keyboard drivers, just because the programmer was used to standard hardware.

This is why we need spimes, the logical next step from digital twins. It’ll be about concreticizing (as opposed to virtualizing) the virtual world when required, and continuously improving the spime based on big data gathered around it.

So don’t cloud your mind with promises that sound too good. The world needs, maybe more than ever, the hard cybernetic approach with proper science and engineering.


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