
Discover BaseN’s wealth of insights – blog posts and thought leadership – on Digital Twins, the Internet of Thing, the Industrial Internet of Thing, digital transformation, digitalization, and other relevant cutting-edge technological innovations in the business landscape.

Spiming Splinter Products

::: nBlog ::: Most physical products today require a vast amount of computing power when designed and manufactured, along processes commonly referred to as Computer

Pursuit of Appiness

::: nBlog ::: This year’s Mobile World Congress in Barcelona presented many new pieces of equipment with some kind of connectivity. Even my favorite spime example,

Chili con Spime

::: nBlog ::: I’ve been growing chili peppers (not the sawtooth leaf version) inside during the last few years, with mixed success. While still not self-sufficient


::: nBlog ::: The most fascinating aspect of the spime concept is to envision and build services and products which don’t exist yet, but could become ubiquitous within

Spimes and Evolution

::: nBlog ::: We can see evolution, in Darwinian sense, everywhere around us. For tiny bacteria, genetic changes may be seen in weeks, while in

Platform Socks

::: nBlog ::: Having EU size 48 (US 13) feet causes some inconvenience as the selection of shoes and especially socks is quite small. Usually

Missing My Code

::: nBlog ::: At 12 I built a rudimentary, 4-relay controller which I attached to my Commodore 64’s user port. This allowed me to create irritating

Primordial Sea of Data

::: nBlog ::: Hype has it that most organizations must start collecting and storing vast amounts of data from their existing and new systems, in order to

Welcome to the Spime Farm

During the last couple of years, BaseN Platform has been used to monitor and control an increasing amount of nodes, or devices, outside the traditional telecom