BaseN among World’s Top Internet of Things Companies

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BaseN was featured in CIO Review magazine list of 50 most promising Internet of Things companies. BaseN was recognized by CIO Review for its spime proficiency and the ability to capture, process, visualize and control enormous amounts of data in real-time.

“We were a bit ahead of our time 13 years ago, when we created our cloud-based architecture. We have our fully own database, computing engines and all supporting infrastructure, allowing us to control the whole ecosystem of digital services what comes to our platform”, says Pasi Hurri, CEO of BaseN in his interview to the magazine.

Read the whole article on page 42 of the December issue of CIO Review.

About CIO Review

CIO Review is a technology magazine that talks about the enterprise solutions that can redefine the business goals of enterprises tomorrow. CIO Review is the leading source that shares innovative enterprise solutions developed by established solution providers, hot enterprises and is a neutral source for technology decision makers. Published from Fremont, California, CIO Review is an excellent platform for the enterprise to showcase their innovative solutions. For more information, please, visit

About BaseN

BaseN is a mature Software as a Service (SaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS) provider. With 13 years in continuous development, BaseN provides an extremely scalable, fully distributed, resilient, secure, and combined real-time monitoring and control platform for ICT, M2M, and Internet of Things (IoT) domains. The platform is designed for adaptability and integrates with numerous third-party systems. BaseN is an international company founded in 2001, with headquarters in Helsinki, Finland. The company has over 50 key customers and partners operating in more than 80 countries. BaseN’s system currently receives about 30 million measurements per minute and supports interaction with nearly 4000 different devices. For more information, please visit our website:

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