::: events :::
The M2M summit is the leading event surrounding machine-to-machine, Internet of Things and Industry 4.0, taking place from October 15-16 in Düsseldorf, Germany. The summit brings together leading developers, manufacturers, users and representatives from science and research to discuss new solutions, products and opportunities. BaseN will present at stand 01
As a global Internet of Things Operator, enabling the transformation from product to service business in any industry, BaseN joins the discussion on digital evolution through M2M, IoT and Industry 4.0. BaseN will demonstrate how BaseN Platform with its capability to collect data from any Thing and at any scale, as well as to store, analyze, visualize and control that data, empowers businesses to transform from offering physical products to providing intelligent services
If you want to pre-book a meeting time at the M2M Summit with BaseN, please send an email to jukka.paananen@basen.net.