Vattenfall and BaseN enabled households to cut energy usage by over 20%

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Vattenfall, the major energy company in the Nordics, arranged for the fourth time the one year long ‘Energiaperhe – Energy Family’ competition in Finland, which came to an end today. Three families compete against each other to save as much energy as possible throughout the year without making drastic changes to their consumption behavior. BaseN’s Internet of Things Cloud Service monitors from the individual houses living conditions like out- and indoor temperatures, usage of the lights and entertainment equipment and, naturally, the essential – electricity consumption. 

This year the winner is actor-producer-blogger Olga Temonen. The other contestants were singer Marita Taavitsainen and actor Kai Lehtinen. All of the participating families succeeded to save over 20% from their energy bill without remarkably cutting from their familiar comfort. 

Most of the changes were achieved through finding the sources of unnecessary energy consumption, such as inefficiently tuned ventilation units, inefficiently set temperatures in freezers and refrigerators, and through improving the efficiency of other household elements, e.g. using timers for different energy consuming devices. The lucky winner, Olga Temonen, succeeded to save over 1500 Euros in a year by actions that required intensive investigation but that truly paid off economically. 

“All the competitors exceeded their targets with flying colors and the savings of these three families alone were several thousands of Euros. That is a great result and should encourage people to investigate potential energy saving opportunities in their daily life”, said Malkus Lindroos, the new energy adviser of Vattenfall Finland. 

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