
Right Away Launchable Minimum Viable Products through Digital Twins

Launchable Minimum Viable Products through Digital Twins – The Future of Manufaturing Today Digital Twins, when implemented properly, are reshaping industrial manufacturing by unlocking unprecedented efficiency, precision, and insight across the manufacturing lifecycle In addition, Digital Twins make the launch of new products faster and more cost efficient than ever before. Here is why. The […]


On The Two Types of Digital Twins: Post-Existing and Pre-Manufacture

In the rapidly evolving landscape of Industry 4.0, the concept of digital twins has emerged as a transformative force, reshaping the way we design, produce, and manage assets. However, what many may not realize is that not all digital twins are created equal. There are two distinctive types: those born from existing entities and those […]


Distributed Networks: A Guide for Scalability

Businesses increasingly rely on distributed networks to support their operations, connect users, and deliver services – you likely work for one of those. As these networks expand in complexity and scale, organizations seek robust scaling strategies to ensure seamless performance and reliability. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into effective scaling strategies, with a special […]


Digital Twins & Beyond – Exploring BaseN’s Pioneering Path

BaseN Origins Drawing on his experience as a radar officer in the Finnish Air Force, Pasi Hurri’s military background laid the foundation for BaseN’s scalable management of measurement data. The journey began in 2001, solving the critical problem of presenting real-time data to decision-makers, initially catering to telecom operators and large enterprises. BaseN Platform, inspired […]


Digital Twins for Real, by BaseN

After the Internet of Things or IoT, Industrial Internet, Industry 4.0 and an arsenal of other waning terms, many tech companies have now shifted (at least their marketing) to Digital Twins. But what is a actually Digital Twin? I’ll explain how BaseN has purveyd them since 2001, for real. Partly due to my Air Force […]


Stop Data Littering! Start Algorithmic Sustainability Now!

How much data do you waste every day? You might think that data is harmless, but it’s not. Data littering is a serious issue that affects our environment, privacy, and security. Here’s how digital twins can help us reduce our digital footprint and create more sustainable and also profitable products. Today, when you acquire almost […]


The Digital Customer-Centric Transformation: From Products to Services

In the digital age, car manufacturing is evolving towards customer-centricity, leveraging data, digital twins, and personalized services.


Digital Twins: Revolutionizing Telecom for Impactful Growth

Unlocking Telecommunication Efficiency with Digital Twins – Dive into Real-time Monitoring, Customer Satisfaction, and Future-Proofing Infrastructure.


Revolutionizing EV Charging: BaseN’s Sustainable Technology

Elevate EV Charging infrastructure on BaseN: Learn how BaseN Platform enhances efficiency and reliability for a sustainable future.


Empowering Digital Transformation on BaseN: A Pioneer in IoT and Digital Twins 

Explore who BaseN is and experience the visionary, cutting-edge BaseN Platform. Drive digital innovation, optimize processes, and excel in the digital era.