How spimes will reshape the smart cities of the future

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When looking at the future of smart cities or smart buildings, one quickly realizes that we are looking at a totally new structure of networks. Those networks contain connected things and additional sensors to not only monitor but manage e.g. water usage or electricity in real time. Naturally, in a hyper-connected city, those systems will have far reaching impacts as they will interact with every other part – humans included – of the smart city. 

With the data at hand, overall resource distribution will be more efficient as it will be easier to analyze the demand and supply forecast, even for individual households. It also allows for an immediate response that is caused by sudden changes in the weather conditions. 

Spimes will strongly enhance the standard of smart cities even further. As the statistics of Connected City USA show, buildings account for up to 70% of energy consumption in major cities and hence 30% of greenhouse gas emissions globally. With BaseN spime’d buildings the real time information available to tenants have even resulted in a reduction of their individual resource usage (energy and water) by an additional average of 15%. The first and still one of the most energy efficient BaseN-enabled smart buildings, Adjutantti, was taken into use by its tenants in 2012. 

With BaseN’s full stack IoT platform a variety of other companies, e.g. VolkerWessels, Vattenfall, and Spinelli introduced smart homes and smart buildings to their customers. The numbers are rapidly growing internationally. 

About BaseN 

With energy companies striving to offer increasingly sustainable, smart and safe living options to residents, BaseN paves the way for them to roll out sophisticated energy management systems cost – efficiently. BaseN has been serving international manufacturing giants and major ICT companies for the past 15 years in order to turn them into Industrial Internet forerunners. The BaseN Platform brings the required scalability to manage the entire lifecycle of billions of Things. It is the perfect foundation for a wide range of different Industrial Internet and Internet of Things (IoT) services and applications, e.g. in smart buildings and smart factories. 

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