::: nBlog :::

The Internet of Things is often confined to lifeless physicality, which greatly reduces its conceivable applications. Things, anyway, rarely used to have true intelligence outside horror movies. 

Spimes will remedy this by bringing the logical brain to any thing physical. However, since we’re quite used to the nature of our current thingverse around us, new spime concepts require new kind of thought processes. 

Take your hair. Most of us tend to it regularly, with substances like shampoo and conditioner. These liquids (or sometimes even powders) are big business, advertised by the top actresses at bus stops, in magazines and countless other places. 

Each of us have a different hair, so there’s a large selection of shampoos even at a local store, and thousands of choices online. How do I know which one is good for me? Well, this far it has been trial and error. 

What I’ve learned in different parts of the world is that water quality, mainly hardness (calcium content) usually has a bigger effect to the wash result than the shampoo used. However, unlike in coffee makers, this is hardly ever contemplated by the shampoo manufacturers. 

Enter hairspime. I’d like to get a hairbrush with accelerometers, pressure sensors and a water quality sensor, all common and cheap pieces of electronics. The water data, my brush movements (entanglement of my hair) and hair hardness is transferred to a spime which then selects and delivers the correct shampoo formula for me, automatically by mail. 

And we’d have another SaaS, Shampoo-as-a-Service. Because I’d be worth it. 


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