
BaseN’s 13th Anniversary: Internet of Things, eHealth and the Amusement Park

::: events :::

On December 4th, BaseN celebrated its 13th anniversary at Helsinki’s Linnanmäki’s amusement park with a seminar for key contacts and shareholders.

The evening was opened with a presentation by Ville Koiste, Junior Specialist at Sitra, the Finnish Innovation Fund. Mr. Koiste’s talk provided insights into the potential of wearables in monitoring and preventing diseases, as well as the latest developments in the online medical services in Finland. Concluding his presentation, Mr. Koiste noted: “Citizens become active healthcare consumers, rather than passive participants”. The presentation slides of “Health and Well-being in a Connected World” can be found also here on Slideshare.

The second presentation, “Building Internet of Things”, was delivered by Mikael Rydström, Chief Technology Officer of the energy management and energy efficiency service provider Eneron. He discussed the role of the Internet of Things in the built environment: “I can easily imagine buildings analyzing the wellbeing of its’ residents”. The third presenter was Petri Kokkonen, Managing Director at the alarm monitoring center service provider Responda 113. Mr. Kokkonen introduced the services provided by Responda 113, as well as the nature of their new partnership with BaseN.

The official part was concluded by a talk on “Industrial Revolution as a Service” given by the CEO of BaseN, Pasi Hurri. Looking back at the plans BaseN had in 2004 and explaining how those still hold up today, Mr. Hurri underlined the huge potential of the Internet of Things (IoT). He concluded: “IoT will create and, in fact, already creates genuinely new type of entrepreneurs.”

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