BaseN powers a more sustainable and stable energy future with STORY

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May 1st has marked the start of EU-funded Horizon 2020 project STORY (Added value of STORage in distribution sYstems). The project aims at showing what value energy storage can add to a flexible and secure energy system. A combination of electric batteries and various thermal storage systems will be evaluated in several test sites, ranging from residential district microgrids to major industrial installations. 

For the next five years BaseN, along with 16 partners from all over Europe, will cooperate with public authorities and the energy industry to provide all stakeholders with a transparent view on what thermal and electrical storage mean to them.  

STORY will present the inter-relations between technologies and stakeholders, as well as the impact of policy and regulation. A future energy grid will take more energy vectors into account than merely electricity. It will need to serve more European inhabitants, provide security to a growing industry and service sector, and ensure a higher percentage of self-supply.  

STORY requires collecting measurement data from a large variety of sites – from single houses to industrial districts. Part of the project will be eight demonstration installations in five European countries. In the UK alone a residential district of 300 apartments will be involved, amounting to four megawatts of electricity. BaseN Platform was selected for the project due to its high scalability, enabling gathering measurement data from enormous amounts of devices, sensors, meters etc. within the Internet of Things. The collected data is displayed in an easily understandable, concise and relevant way – real-time and historical, which will enable the STORY team to successfully analyze and showcase the added value that storage holds. 

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