BaseN is the IoT platform of choice for the smart grid

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Smart grids are one of the foundations for smart cities, forming a network of interconnected things in need of constant and real time monitoring, management and control. BaseN Platform makes any such complex network easily understandable as a whole, encompassing its entire structure as well as the status and health of each of its individual components, in the same way as it has done for telecommunication operators and large multinational enterprises since 2002.

Its mission critical architecture and the ability to scale with ease to millions of devices and end users are the core drivers for utilities and other energy service providers to select BaseN Platform. In Finland alone, BaseN serves the three largest energy companies, enabling them to quickly design and launch new sustainable services to tens of thousands of end users. In rural Africa, BaseN takes a key role in securely building up a sustainable and reliable energy network.

BaseN empowers a global energy transformation and enables energy utilities to strive for more sustainable smart power solutions which allows to increase the grid’s transmission capacity in the face of growing consumption, and to strengthen the security of supply.

Continuing the year forward, 2019 will be an exciting year for BaseN’s next developments in the energy and overarching resource efficiency arena. We believe that IoT and spime can bring upon drastic and very real changes for the better.

About BaseN

With energy companies striving to offer increasingly sustainable, smart and safe living options to residents, BaseN paves the way for them to roll out sophisticated energy management systems cost – efficiently. BaseN has been serving international manufacturing giants and major ICT companies for the past 15 years in order to turn them into Industrial Internet forerunners. The BaseN Platform brings the required scalability to manage the entire lifecycle of billions of Things. It is the perfect foundation for a wide range of different Industrial Internet and Internet of Things (IoT) services and applications, e.g. in smart buildings and smart factories.

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