::: events :::
The IEEE ComSoc International Communications, Quality and Reliability Workshop is held annually with the purpose of bringing together industry and academic experts to present and discuss communications quality, reliability and security issues. Due to the spread of COVID-19, this year’s IEEE CQR will take place virtually on May 14th, with live sessions available on all time zones.
The IEEE CQR 2020 will focus on “Virtualization and Cloudification in the 5G era”.
Three insightful keynote speeches will be delivered by Harri Hursti, Nordic Innovation Labs, Miguel Carames, Verizon and Brian Connelley, Ookla. Further, the program includes three panel discussions and the presentation of technical papers. If you would like to join this year’s virtual version of the IEEE CQR, you can still sign up right here.
The output of the workshops adds to the community’s body of knowledge and serves to inform, help form opinions, and to assist in the development of best practices and relevant standards.
Pasi Hurri is an IEEE Senior Member and holds the Vice Chair position of the IEEE Finland Joint Chapter of Control System Society, Robotics and Automation Society and System, Man and Cybernetics Society (CSS/RAS/SMCS).