BaseN appoints Julia Khvostova to the Management Team

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Full Stack IoT Operator BaseN has appointed Ms. Julia Khvostova to the Corporate Management Team to further strengthen BaseN’s strong position in the market. Julia leads the financial operations, including internal control and audit, regional finance teams and external service providers. She reports to BaseN President & CEO Pasi Hurri.

“BaseN global expansion needs global minds, and with Julia’s expertise we will be ready for our next steps also what comes to financial clout”, says Pasi Hurri, BaseN President & CEO.

“I’m excited to join the company that has real IoT services and customers already in production and monetized”, says Julia Khvostova, Financial Controller. “The BaseN Platform has immense development potential, also what comes to new business models for our customers.”

About BaseN

BaseN, the global Full Stack IoT Operator, provides an inherently scalable computing Platform for hosting billions of spimes, the core objects of the Internet of Things. Spime is the permanent logical brain and memory of any physical Thing. BaseN currently handles close to one million spime transactions per second, and enables the transformation from physical products to intelligent services in any industry. Since BaseN’s establishment in 2001, its powerful Platform has served telecom operators and large multinational enterprises with extreme-scale and fault-tolerant network and service management systems, and now enables them to roll out entirely new Internet of Things services

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