No losers with BaseN Platform – Introducing a social trigger for behavioral change in personal resource consumption

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Both construction and energy companies attempt to offer increased sustainability as well as smart and safe living options to their end customers. BaseN gives them the opportunity to roll out very cost-efficient and sophisticated energy management systems on top of BaseN Platform.

In late spring 2015, construction company NCC completed the two Spinelli apartment buildings. BaseN Platform offers analytics and data visualization to the tenants. Vantaan Energia offers a pricing service that is integrated on BaseN Platform and informs the tenants of the energy prices for the next day.

Vantaan Energia launched a new of its kind energy saving competition among the Spinelli households to promote a more sustainable lifestyle. BaseN Platform collects and analyses the consumption data of each of the 58 apartments. Tenants can see and compare their resource usage in an online user portal. The User Interface also shows hourly energy pricing for the next day, allowing the tenants to plan their energy usage more economically. Each month the “greenest tenant” and a random winner were drawn and received a small price.

The competition ran throughout the summer and closed on August 31st. However, the benefits of the BaseN Platform and the analytics plus the information on the hourly prices for the next day will remain with the Spinelli tenants.

“BaseN is paving the way in making energy efficiency in apartments fun and social. Monthly consumption comparison results can be easily shared in Social Media”, says Timo Vitikainen, Business Manager at BaseN. “But those results are also new ‘good reasons’ to have chats with your neighbors and compare your results with their results. From neighbors you can also get/learn new ideas for changing your habits to live a more sustainable life”

For more information please contact Timo Vitikainen at timo.vitikainen(at)

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