Network management as a spime app

spime, the next generation digital twin

Many of our valued and long term customers use BaseN as a scalable network management system as a service. This was indeed the first application we deployed on top of our military inspired, fault tolerant and distributed architecture. We ‘made their network a manageable piece of their business’ as one of our early slogans proclaimed.

Today, it makes me proud to see that after almost 15 years, we serve these very same customers and continuously add features which make also network management more and more predictive and automated. Many of them like Amcor and DNA have extended the usage of BaseN Platform far beyond just networks, using it to manage things ranging from packaging machine drives to high-definition TV transmitters.

We took our first steps towards IoT in 2004, when I introduced the ‘IndN’ concept for connecting and collecting data from customers’ programmable logic controllers and other embedded devices. Since then we’ve evolved more and more into an IoT platform for a multitude of mission and business critical applications, such as managing energy networks and construction site access control systems. Today we host the entire business logic of some of our customers’ core products and services.

As a full stack service provider we naturally develop the BaseN Platform backend continuously to be even more scalable and quickly deployable for our customers. For some applications like network management, new functions such as spime containers enable totally new kind of approaches to situational awareness, using spime-enabled machine learning and computational intelligence algorithms.

All in all, for a telecom operator, BaseN is both an operational support system (OSS) and a multi-tenant IoT service platform for existing and new customers. Simply put, the OSS is just one internal app, just a very important one.



Learn more about spime: download our short spime (next generation digital twin) intro

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