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BaseN taking the Emerging Technology Reliability Roundtable 2019 to Finland
The Emerging Technology Reliability Roundtable 2019 (ETR-RT19) is an annual event held by the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Technical Committee on Communications Quality & Reliability (CQR). This year the IEEE ETR-RT19 will take place at Hotel Majvik, near Helsinki, Finland and will span out over two days from August 26-27.
As a gold sponsor and an active believer of a scientific approach, BaseN is happy to bring the industry and academic experts together at this year’s ETR-RT19 to discuss the scope of the ETR-RT19 consisting of the following key areas:
- Discuss and identify the RAS (Reliability, Availability and Serviceability*) challenges, requirements and methodologies in the emerging technology areas like the Cloud Computing, Wireless/Mobility (with focus on 5G technologies), NFV (Network Functions Virtualization), SDN (Software Defined Networking), or similar large-scale distributed and virtualization systems.
- Discuss the RAS requirements and technologies for mission-critical industries (e.g., airborne systems, railway communication systems, the banking and financial communication systems, etc.), with the goal to promote the interindustry sharing of related ideas and experiences.
- Identify potential directions for resolving identified issues and propose possible solution
BaseN CEO Pasi Hurri will deliver a keynote on Spime Containers – the internetworked Digital Twins. Mr. Hurri is not only an active contributor and supporter of the ETR-RT19, but also holds the position of an IEEE Senior Member and is the Vice Chair of the IEEE Finland Joint Chapter of Control System Society, Robotics and Automation Society and System, Man and Cybernetics Society (CSS/RAS/SMCS).
About BaseN
As a global Full Stack IoT Operator BaseN, established in 2001, enables Businesses to enter the Internet of Things (IoT) by digitalizing and connecting new and traditional industry products to offer new intelligent services. BaseN Platform – designed to be real time, linearly scalable, fault tolerant and inherently distributed – currently processes over one million spime transactions per second. Spimes are virtual master objects that control physical things in the IoT.