Full Stack is hard. Spime Scale is harder.

::: nBlog :::

Nowadays you see the term Full Stack in many marketing materials, cloud provider websites and even developer titles. Also BaseN defines itself as a Full Stack IoT Platform. Now in programming, it is generally accepted that a Full Stack developer has a wide range of expertise from backend and frontend technologies, multiple languages and interfaces. One might be called a seasoned jill-of-all-trades, perhaps.

In BaseN terminology, Full Stack means the complete responsibility for all critical components, starting from the network layer all the way to the end user interfaces. We can sustain our services to our customers to a very high degree without any reliance upon third party cloud, software or even hosting providers, due to our distributed and fault tolerant architecture. This is one of the key aspects why mission critical customers trust BaseN.

But building Internet scale, Full Stack platforms is hard, and that’s why most of our competition takes the fast track and builds on third party software, cloud services and networks, often giving the customer the burden to choose (or guess) a working combination. This might be good for quick prototypes and short lived services, but building something sustainable needs the BaseN approach.

In their technical architectures, many companies like Google, Twitter, Facebook and Amazon have reached the Internet scale, serving millions of customers. However, their primary motivation has been to create consumer grade, best effort type services with advertising revenue driving growth and innovation. Things like Service Level Agreements or 10 year lifecycles are unheard of. Coming from a very different background, BaseN has been built with military grade architecture and has a proven track record with a wide range of mission critical customers, from real industries. Our people also happened to build the European side of the Internet.

What is then the next scale? Digital Twins and IoT are not really a market yet, although analysts like Gartner produce a lot of text about them. They will emerge as a market when real world products and services truly live in the digital world, and then we’re talking about billions of smart objects, all needing a digital home.

We call it the Spime Scale.


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