::: events :::
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a government priority in Finland, which is aiming to be the most advanced country in AI usage. Finland has been conducting AI/neural network research since the 1960’s and there are solutions to help with daily lives such as needle free glucose tests already on the market.
AI is further changing the way in which organizations innovate and control their processes, products and services. Many global players are developing AI on a trial basis already such as IBM with Watson, but with BaseN Platform AI gets real. BaseN will participate at a Business Finland organized event demonstrating the mature and constantly developed platform that is needed to succeed in AI and IoT. The event will take place on Monday, December 3 from 16:00 – 20:00 at Team Finland House in Ruoholahti.
“Artificial intelligence, robotics and IoT is the latest trending technology in many fields especially in industries like manufacturing, automation, control systems, healthcare, energy, transport, defense, space and data mining to give some examples”, says Jukka Paananen, SVP Sales at BaseN. “AI & IoT will be a common platform to enable the transformation from physical products to intelligent services in any industry”.
About BaseN
BaseN, established in 2001, is the inherently scalable computing Platform for hosting billions of spimes, the core objects of the Internet of Things. Spime is the permanent logical brain and memory of any physical Thing. BaseN currently handles over one million spime transactions per second, and enables the transformation from physical products to intelligent services in any industry. www.basen.net
3 replies on “BaseN spiming Slush 2018”
Hello basen.net owner, Your posts are always well-supported by facts and figures.
Dear basen.net administrator, Well done!
Hi basen.net admin, Your posts are always well-referenced and credible.