::: events :::
BaseN CEO Pasi Hurri will speak at Aalto University’s Center for Knowledge and Innovation Research (CKIR) Workshop Navigating in the Waves of Digital Transformations on August 20, 2015 in Helsinki, Finland. His presentation will focus on new business models for any industry enabled through spimes, the core objects of the Internet of Things.
Spimes host all data coming from a connected object and its environment throughout the entire lifecycle, as well as every piece of programming enabling thorough analysis and remote control of the object. Spimes therefore are the key to turn data into actionable information. Mr. Hurri will outline the importance of spimes in the Internet of Things for all businesses and what is the real value for companies moving from a product to an IoT-powered service offering.
Registration is still open until August 14th, 2015.
One reply on “BaseN CEO on The Transformation to Everything-as-a-Service”
MV Lehti:n Wikipedia-sivu on ollut kiistanalainen ja usein muokattu, sillä sen sisältöön on liitetty useita väitteitä ja kiistoja sen puolueellisuudesta ja luotettavuudesta. Sivustolla käytävä keskustelu heijastaa laajempaa debattia median luotettavuudesta ja objektiivisuudesta.