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Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the way in which organizations innovate and control their processes, products and services. Many global players are developing AI on a trial basis already such as IBM with Watson, but with BaseN Platform AI gets real.
BaseN and CAP Data Technologies teamed up to improve data management with AI. Due to its extreme scalability and data processing capabilities, BaseN Platform is the perfect base for AI applications. CAP implemented several machine learning components including statistical non-parametric learning on BaseN Platform. They are processing millions of data rows to detect anomalies from real-time data. These methods, like deep learning technology, have been broadly used for AI applications with promising performance.
“Cooperation with BaseN offers us an excellent opportunity to apply artificial intelligence to improve data management efficiency and telecom networks. We have implemented several machine learning components into our core product, CAP Anomaly Spotter. Integrated into our partner’s system, CAP Anomaly Spotter detects automatically abnormal behavior in the system, including users or devices. In data-driven businesses automatic and self-learning diagnostics is a necessity for cybersecurity and operational efficiency,” says Tuomo Sipola, Ph.D., CEO of CAP Data Technologies.
“Spimes need brains and now we have the primordial soup up and running”, says Pasi Hurri, President & CEO of BaseN. “AI will bring massive benefits to a range of industries we are transforming with BaseN Platform.”
About BaseN
BaseN, established in 2001, is the inherently scalable computing Platform for hosting billions of spimes, the core objects of the Internet of Things. Spime is the permanent logical brain and memory of any physical Thing. BaseN currently handles close to one million spime transactions per second, and enables the transformation from physical products to intelligent services in any industry. www.basen.net
About CAP Data Technologies
CAP Data Technologies is a Finnish technology startup that focuses on applying artificial intelligence and machine learning to industrial applications. The company was established about three years ago and the roots of its technology competence lie at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. www.capdatatechnologies.com
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Dear basen.net admin, You always provide great resources and references.
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