The requirements for energy efficient buildings as well as the needs for decarbonization drive heat pump manufacturers towards digitalization.
Traditional physical products become heating and cooling services provided to the end-users.
With existing technologies, the environmental impact of heat pumps can be decreased without impacting the comfort of the end users. Digitalized heat pumps provide manufacturers, service providers and end users with a wide range of actionable data – including temperature, weather, buildings’ and residents’ behaviours. This information allows for constant optimisation, the creation of entirely new services and a never-seen-before connection between manufacturers and product users.
By hosting heat pumps on BaseN Platform, manufacturers can move from traditional products to new innovative services – bringing added value to their customers.
BaseN Platform collects data from any sources and at any scale. The data is collected in real-time, bringing full situational awareness. With BaseN’s powerful analytics, heat pump manufacturers and service providers can optimize the product and through predictive maintenace also avoid outages for the end users.
BaseN brings awareness to end users, enabling them to adapt to minor behavioural changes that can have big impact on their overall energy consumption.
BaseN Platform processes real-time data to enable predictive and reactive maintenance, ensuring seamless operations. Through spimes, the next generation digital twins, heat pump manufacturers gain situational awareness and are enabled to optimize their products to last as long as possible. This brings additional economical value to the end users.
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The heating and cooling sector is known as the largest consumer of energy in Europe. With digitalization, this sector can implement innovative approaches to reduce energy usage and achieve outstanding decarbonization results.
Digitalization in heat pumps is the innovative approach towards energy savings, better usage of renewable energy resources, and stability in electricity grids.
BaseN Platform hosts your next generation digital twins. With a heat pump digital twin, you gain full visibility into the devices’ state and their environment.
BaseN also provides an umbrella platform combing all relevant data streams. With the multi-tenant capability of our platform, BaseN enables heat pump manufacturers to develop integrated services and thus adding value to a broad range of different stakeholders.